Citizenship usually means being part of the political institutions of a country. For those living in constitutional systems to benefit from the rights promised by the state in the constitution, they must be bound to the country by citizenship. These people are called citizens. Citizenship is regulated in Article 66 of our Constitution as follows:


  1. Turkish citizenship


Article 66 – Everyone who is bound to the Turkish State by citizenship is Turkish.


The child of a Turkish father or a Turkish mother is Turkish. (Abrogated second sentence: 3/10/2001-4709/23 article)


Citizenship is acquired under the conditions stipulated by the law and is lost only in cases specified in the law.


No Turk can be deprived of citizenship unless he commits an act incompatible with loyalty to the homeland.


Judicial objections against decisions and proceedings regarding deprivation of citizenship cannot be prevented.


Turkish citizenship can be acquired in many ways in our country. These ways are regulated in the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901. Turkish citizenship is acquired in two ways. The first is the acquisition of Turkish citizenship by birth, the second is the acquisition of Turkish citizenship later. The later acquisition of Turkish citizenship is divided into titles in itself:

1. Acquisition by Decision of Competent Authority

2. Acquisition by a Turkish Citizen through Adoption

3. Acquisition by Using the Right to Choose


The acquisition of Turkish citizenship by the decision of the competent authority is also divided into 4 headings:

1. General Way of Acquisition

2. Exceptional Way of Acquisition

3. Reacquisition

4. Acquisition Through Marriage


As we mentioned above, there are more than one different way that a foreigner can apply to acquire Turkish citizenship in our country, and these ways have different procedures and conditions within themselves. It should be noted that even if a foreigner or stateless person who wishes to obtain Turkish citizenship applies in accordance with the procedures and conditions in the law; Meeting these conditions does not provide an absolute right to the person because the authority to grant citizenship is under the sovereignty of the countries. Granting Turkish citizenship to every foreigner who fulfills the conditions is not a definite rule, but the administrative authority (ministry, president) that evaluates this application has to use its discretion in accordance with the law. If this authority is not used in accordance with the law, the administrative act will be disabled in terms of the cause and an action for annulment can be filed in the administrative jurisdictions for the annulment of this administrative act.

In this article, we will make explanations on the way of acquiring Turkish citizenship by the Exceptional Way with the decision of the Competent Authority.



A foreigner who wants to acquire Turkish citizenship must meet the following conditions specified in Article 11 of the Turkish Citizenship Law:


(1) The following conditions are sought for a foreigner who wants to acquire Turkish citizenship:


a) To be mature and have mental competence according to his own national law or, if stateless, according to Turkish laws

b) To reside in Turkey for five consecutive years, backwards from the date of application

c) Confirming with his/her behavior that he/she has decided to settle in Turkey

ç) Not to have a disease that poses a danger to general health

d) To be of good moral character

e) Being able to speak Turkish enough

f) To have an income or profession that will provide for himself and his dependents in Turkey

g) Not to be in a situation that would constitute an obstacle in terms of national security and public order



People who can apply for Turkish citizenship through exceptional means are regulated in Article 12 of the Turkish Citizenship Law as follows:

People who have brought industrial facilities to Turkey or who have passed or are expected to perform extraordinary services in scientific, technological, economic, social, sports, cultural and artistic fields and for whom a justified offer has been made by the relevant ministries:


In order for foreigners in this group to acquire citizenship, which is regulated in Article 12 of the Turkish Citizenship Law, these people must be people who have given or are expected to give extraordinary services in Turkey in the above-mentioned fields; and upon a reasoned proposal to be made by the relevant ministry to the Ministry of Interior, the proposals regarding the people whom the Ministry of Interior deems appropriate to acquire citizenship will be sent to the President for approval.


Those who have obtained a residence permit pursuant to subparagraph (j) of the first paragraph of Article 31 of the Foreigners and International Protection Law dated 4/4/2013 and numbered 6458:


Another group that can benefit from exceptional citizenship is the one mentioned in article 12/1-b of the Turkish Citizenship Law and article 31/1-j of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection; “The people who do not work in Turkey but will invest in the scope and amount to be determined by the President, and their foreign spouses are the minor or dependent foreign children of themselves and their spouses. In order for the people in this group and their spouses and children to acquire exceptional citizenship, they must invest within the scope and amount determined by the President. This path is actually a special way of obtaining exceptional citizenship.

Since the acquisition of citizenship by investment is a detailed and specific issue, we do not go into this subject. You can find the necessary explanations on this subject in our article titled Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by Investment.


Turquoise Card holder foreigners and their foreign spouse, minor or dependent foreign child of himself and his/her spouse:


Turquoise card is an application that gives indefinite work and residence permits to foreigners who meet the necessary conditions. According to the provisions of the legislation, the spouse and dependent children of the foreigner holding a Turquoise card are given a document showing that they are relatives of the Turquoise Card holders. This document also replaces the residence permit. People who can have a turquoise card and their rights are regulated in Article 11 of the International Labor Law as follows:

(1) In line with the international labor policy; Turquoise Card is given to foreigners whose applications are approved according to their education level, professional experience, contribution to science and technology, the impact of their activity or investment in Turkey on the country's economy and employment, the recommendations of the International Labor Policy Advisory Board and the procedures and principles determined by the Ministry.

(2) Turquoise Card is issued provided that the first three years are the transition period. The Ministry may request information and documents regarding the activities carried out from the employer or the foreigner during the transition period. The transition period registration in the Turquoise Card, which is not canceled in accordance with Article 15 during the transition period, is canceled upon the application of the foreigner and an indefinite Turquoise Card is issued. This application is made before the end of the transition period in any case, starting from one hundred and eighty days before the expiry of the transition period. After this period expires, the application for the cancellation of the transition period registration is rejected and the Turquoise Card becomes invalid.

(3) According to the provisions of the legislation, the spouse and dependent children of the Turquoise Card holder foreigner are given a document showing that they are a relative of the Turquoise Card holder and replacing the residence permit.

(4) Turquoise Card holder foreigner benefits from the rights provided by the indefinite work permit regulated in this Law.

(5) In the Turquoise Card application; Those who have internationally accepted studies in the academic field, those who have come to the fore in a field that is considered strategic for our country in science, industry and technology, or those who contribute or are expected to make a significant contribution to the national economy in terms of export, employment or investment capacity are considered as qualified foreigners.

(6) The provisions of this article do not apply to foreigners under temporary protection.

People required to be naturalized:


Political, administrative or any reason may make it compulsory for the foreigners in this group to acquire Turkish citizenship. According to the statement made by the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs regarding the implementation of Turkish Citizenship Law, the 'necessity' may arise from the necessity of international relations, the interest of our country or any other reason, and the determination of the necessity is made by the President.


The following people can be given as examples of foreigners in this group:


1. Adults whose lives depend on family members who acquired Turkish citizenship, but who do not have the mental competence

2. Minor children who are given under the custody of their parents who acquire Turkish citizenship, but who are not treated with them when they are not under the custody of their parents who have acquired Turkish citizenship

3. Refugees and stateless people due to the necessity of international relations

4. Spouses of people accepted as immigrants


In addition, we can say that people whose regulation is neglected in the Turkish Citizenship Law can be included in this group. 


People recognized as immigrants of Turkish Origin:


It is stated in the Turkish Citizenship Law that immigrants of Turkish origin can also acquire citizenship in an exceptional way. Immigrants are defined as follows in the Settlement Law No. 5543: “Those who are of Turkish descent and adhere to Turkish culture and who come to Turkey alone or collectively for the purpose of settling and are accepted in accordance with this law.”

Those who are accepted as immigrants are naturalized by the decision of the President after the necessary procedures are completed by the relevant institutions. The citizenship file of people who are accepted as immigrants according to the Settlement Law is prepared by the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization and sent to the Ministry for approval. Within the scope of Turkish Citizenship Law article 12/1-d, a file is prepared by the application authorities, upon the written instruction of the Ministry of Interior, about the immigrants who wish to acquire Turkish citizenship exceptionally. Immigrants who do not have a situation that will pose an obstacle in terms of national security and public order can acquire Turkish citizenship by the decision of the President.




Applications for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship are made to the governorship where the place of residence is located (provincial directorate of population and citizenship) and abroad (to foreign representatives in person or with a special power of attorney regarding the exercise of this right). A written instruction is sent by the Ministry of Interior to the application authority for foreigners who want to acquire Turkish citizenship in an exceptional way. Upon the written instruction of the Ministry, a citizenship file consisting of application documents is drawn up for the foreigner who is offered to acquire Turkish citizenship exceptionally, by the governor's office in the country where the place of residence is located, and by the foreign representative offices abroad. A Security Investigation request is made by writing to the Police Department regarding whether the applicant has a situation that may pose a threat to public security and public order. As a result of the positive results of these procedures, the file is sent to the President for a decision by the application authorities.



  • Applications made by mail are not accepted.
  • Citizenship applications of people who are underage or without mental capacity are made by their parents or guardians.
  • As the application date, the date on which the person's petition is registered by the application authority is taken as a basis.
  • Certification of official documents issued by foreign authorities is carried out in accordance with Article 59 of the Population Services Implementation Regulation.
  • It is sufficient for foreigners who want to acquire Turkish citizenship to submit documents such as diplomas and passports obtained from foreign authorities at the time of application, in Turkish and notarized.
  • Where deemed necessary, the approval of the originality of residence permits can also be made by the provincial directorates.




On behalf of the foreigner who wishes to acquire Turkish citizenship and meets the requirements for application, a file consisting of the following documents is prepared by the application authority upon the instruction of the Ministry of Interior:

  • Form and petition stating the request
  • Passport or similar document showing which state the person is a citizen of, and in case the person is stateless, the document stating that the person is so, if it is possible to obtain
  • Two 50x60 mm, non-patterned, machine-readable biometric photographs specified by ICAO
  • Marital status certificate and marriage certificate if married, divorce certificate if divorced, spouse's death certificate if widowed
  • Such as civil registry record or a birth certificate showing the person's identity information; If married, civil registry record or similar document proving the family ties of the spouse and children
  • If there are first or second degree relatives of Turkish citizens, the civil registry record obtained from the system by the application authorities of these persons
  • If the person's date of birth does not have a month and day, the document obtained from the competent authorities of his country for the completion of the date of birth, and if the document cannot be obtained, the signed statement that he accepts the action in accordance with the 39th article of the Population Services Law No. 5490
  • Receipt showing that the service fee has been paid to the Revenue cashier. 




In the event that Turkish citizenship is acquired within the scope of exceptional circumstances, it shall take effect from the date of the decision given by the competent authority. The person becomes a Turkish citizen from the date of the decision. The decision regarding the acquisition of citizenship is communicated to the relevant person through the application authorities. There is no difference in terms of citizenship status between those who acquired Turkish citizenship by the decision of the competent authority and those who acquired Turkish citizenship by birth.

The acquisition of Turkish citizenship has various legal consequences both for the person who acquires citizenship and for the spouse and children of the person.


The following 3 situations concern the person who acquires Turkish citizenship in terms of law:

1- Getting Turkish Name and Surname

In terms of Turkish law, there is no regulation that obliges foreigners who acquire Turkish citizenship to take Turkish names and surnames. Those who acquire Turkish citizenship can obtain a Turkish name and surname; however, if they want to keep their names and surnames, their names and surnames are written with Turkish letters in accordance with the Law No. 1353 on Acceptance and Application of Turkish Letters and registered in the family register. If these people want to have a Turkish name and surname, the acquisition of Turkish citizenship may be considered as a justifiable reason and their request may be accepted, based on the provision in Article 27 of the Turkish Civil Code that "change of name can only be requested from a judge based on justified reasons". Therefore, unless there is a request, there is no obligation to take a Turkish name and surname just because they gain Turkish citizenship.


2- Military Service Obligation

The military obligation of those who acquire Turkish citizenship later is regulated in the Military Service Law No. 1111. According to the Military Service Law, “Every man who is a citizen of the Republic of Turkey is obliged to do his military service in accordance with this law” (art. 1). Again, in accordance with the Law, “Those who were subsequently granted Turkish citizenship should do their military service as Turkish citizens of that age, depending on their age and educational status at the time they were naturalized. Those who certify that they have done their military service in the countries they came from or that they are considered to have fulfilled their military service and those who are 22 years old in the year they were naturalized are considered to have done their military service. The military service of these persons is postponed for two years from the date of their naturalization upon their request. Those who enter the military age in that year are treated by taking roll call in the year their postponement ends, and in case of mobilization, they can be sent to the military according to need.'' (Article 2/2)

3-Dual Citizenship

Multiple citizenship is the state of being a citizen of more than one state at the same time. Multi-citizenship can cause positive citizenship conflicts (conflicts arising from the person's citizenship of more than one state), and it is necessary to determine which citizenship will be taken as a basis for the resolution of these conflicts. The fact that the person is a citizen of more than one state at the same time is special in cases where the law to be applied in the settlement of disputes with foreign elements is determined through the citizenship binding point. Therefore, in cases where individuals who acquire Turkish citizenship by an exceptional way also have the citizenship of another state, in cases where the law to be applied in the settlement of disputes arising from private law regarding the said persons is determined through the citizenship binding point, it should be resolved which of the state citizenships the person has should be taken as a basis. The solution in question is contained in IPPL (International Private Procedural Law). This matter is regulated in the law as follows; “Turkish law shall apply to those who have the citizenship of more than one state, in case they are Turkish citizens at the same time.”




If Turkish citizenship is subsequently acquired under exceptional circumstances, what will be the citizenship status of the spouse is regulated in the law as follows; “The acquisition of Turkish citizenship by the decision of the competent authority does not affect the citizenship of the spouse.” (Turkish Civil Law art.20/2, Reg. art.37/1). Thus, when the person acquires Turkish citizenship, the citizenship status of his/her spouse will not be affected and his/her spouse will not be able to become a Turkish citizen, but if the foreign spouse meets the conditions regulated in the law in order to acquire Turkish citizenship, he/she will be able to apply for Turkish citizenship.




The effect of the exceptional acquisition of Turkish citizenship on one's children varies depending on whether the children are "adult" at the time of acquisition.

  1. Children who were not adults at the time the mother or father acquired Turkish citizenship:


This subject is regulated in Turkish Citizenship Law article 20 and Regulation article 37.

Children of mothers and fathers who acquire Turkish citizenship together acquire Turkish citizenship depending on the mother and father.

In the event that one of the parents acquires Turkish citizenship within the marriage union, the child acquires Turkish citizenship depending on the mother or father, if the non-Turkish spouse consents.

The child of the mother or father who acquired Turkish citizenship, who has custody on the date of acquisition of Turkish citizenship, acquires Turkish citizenship depending on the mother or father, if the spouse who is not a Turkish citizen consents.

If consent is not given, action is taken according to the decision of the judge in the country where the mother or father is in the country of habitual residence.

If one of the parents is dead, the child acquires Turkish citizenship depending on the mother or father who acquired Turkish citizenship. The child born outside the marriage union of a mother who acquires Turkish citizenship acquires Turkish citizenship depending on the mother.


  1. Children who were adults when their mother or father acquired Turkish citizenship:


Children who are adults at the time their mother or father acquires Turkish Citizenship will not be able to benefit from this acquisition, as being a minor is required in order to acquire Turkish citizenship depending on the mother or father, but these people can apply for citizenship even though they meet the necessary conditions for gaining citizenship. 




My application to acquire Turkish citizenship was rejected. Can I reapply?


If you meet the conditions required by the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901, you can have your citizenship status re-evaluated by applying to the governorship of your place of residence.


I have received the announcement document stating that I have acquired Turkish Citizenship. Has my process of acquiring Turkish Citizenship been completed or do I need to take any other action?


You must apply for an identity card of the Republic of Turkey to the district population directorate or foreign representative offices with an announcement document that you have acquired Turkish citizenship.


Is it possible to apply for "Turkish Citizenship in an exceptional way" by proxy?


Obtaining a certificate of eligibility, applying for a short-term residence permit, receiving the residence permit card and submitting the necessary information and documents for the citizenship application can be finalized remotely with a special power of attorney, without the need for the foreigner to enter the country, if this issue is clearly written in the power of attorney.

Since many documents are required during the application process to acquire Turkish citizenship through exceptional means, and in order to avoid problems such as rejection or prolongation of the application in case of incomplete documents, it is beneficial to carry out the application process with a lawyer. As Ergen Law and Consultancy, our expert lawyers provide all kinds of legal support to our clients throughout the process.


Will a foreigner who acquires Turkish citizenship lose his/her own country's citizenship?


A foreigner who acquires Turkish citizenship can become a dual citizen if his/her own country allows dual citizenship. Otherwise, when he/she gains Turkish citizenship, he/she loses his other citizenship.


What can a person do about this situation if his/her citizenship application is unlawfully rejected?


The foreigner who thinks that the citizenship application has been rejected unlawfully, must file a lawsuit in the administrative jurisdiction within 60 days from the date of learning of the rejection of the application. Since the decision makers evaluating citizenship applications are the Presidency and the Ministry of Interior, a lawsuit must be filed in the Ankara Administrative Court.

It is beneficial to follow the process by a lawyer who is an expert in the field of Administrative Law in order to avoid loss of rights due to the fact that the duration of the lawsuits to be filed in the administrative judiciary is definite and short and the legislation is detailed. As İsa Ergen Law and Consultancy, our clients are provided with all kinds of legal support throughout the process by our expert lawyers serving in the field of Administrative Law.


DANIŞTAY 10.DAİRE BAŞKANLIĞI 2016/15251 E. 2020/4961 K. 16.11.2020 Tarihli Karar:


Dava konusu istem: Türk vatandaşı ile evlenen Moldova uyruklu davacı tarafından; vatandaşlığa geçmek için yapmış olduğu başvurusunun reddine dair işlemin iptali istenilmiştir.


İlk Derece Mahkemesi kararının özeti: … İdare Mahkemesinin … tarih ve E:…, K:… sayılı kararıyla; davalı idarece yapılan incelemede davacının evliliğinin formalite olduğu, vatandaş olmasının kamu düzeni ve genel ahlak açısından sakıncalı olacağına dair tespite yer verilmediği gibi davacının yargılandığı … Sulh Ceza Mahkemesi'nin E:…, K:… sayılı dosyasında beraat karar verildiği dikkate alındığında, 5901 sayılı Kanun'un 16. maddesinin 1/b bendinde yer alan "Evlilik birliği ile bağdaşmayacak bir faaliyette bulunmama" şartını taşımadığına dair değerlendirmenin hukuka uygun olmadığı sonucuna varıldığı gerekçesiyle dava konusu işlemin iptaline karar verilmiştir.


TEMYİZ EDENİN İDDİALARI: Davalı idare tarafından, ilgili mevzuatta mahkumiyet  şartı aranmadığı, kişilerin sadece evlilik birliği içinde yaşamasının ve evlilikle bağdaşmayacak faaliyette bulunmamasının vatandaşlığa alınmada yeterli olmadığı ileri sürülmektedir.


İdare ve vergi mahkemelerinin nihai kararlarının temyizen bozulması, 2577 sayılı İdari Yargılama Usulü Kanunu'nun 49. maddesinde yer alan sebeplerden birinin varlığı hâlinde mümkündür. Temyizen incelenen karar usul ve hukuka uygun olup, dilekçede ileri sürülen temyiz nedenleri kararın bozulmasını gerektirecek nitelikte görülmemiştir.



Açıklanan nedenlerle;
1. Davalı idarenin temyiz isteminin reddine,
2. Dava konusu işlemin iptali yolundaki … İdare Mahkemesinin … tarih ve E:…, K:… sayılı temyize konu kararının ONANMASINA,
3. 2577 sayılı Kanun'un (Geçici 8. maddesi uyarınca uygulanmasına devam edilen) 54. maddesinin 1. fıkrası uyarınca bu kararın tebliğ tarihini izleyen günden itibaren 15 (on beş) gün içinde karar düzeltme yolu açık olmak üzere, 16/11/2020 tarihinde oy çokluğuyla karar verildi.


Türk vatandaşlığını kazanmak üzere başvuran bir yabancının, 5901 sayılı Kanun'da belirlenen şartların varlığı halinde yetkili makam kararı ile Türk vatandaşlığına alınabileceği anlaşılmakla birlikte; vatandaşlığın bir bireye verilmesi egemenlik hakkıyla doğrudan ilgili olduğundan, aranan şartları taşımış olmanın vatandaşlığın kazanılmasında kişiye mutlak bir hak kazandırmayacağı açıktır. Bu durumda, vatandaşlık vermek devletin hükümranlık hakkı olduğundan, Türk vatandaşlığını kazanma istemiyle başvuruda bulunan bir yabancı hakkında Kanun'da belirtilen şartları taşısa dahi Devlet tarafından hükümranlık hakkı kullanılarak vatandaşlık verilmeyebilir. Bu haliyle hükümranlık yetkisi dahilinde tesis edilen dava konusu işlemde hukuka aykırılık bulunmadığından, davalı idarenin temyiz isteminin kabulüyle dava konusu işlemin iptali yolunda verilen İdare Mahkemesi kararının bozulması gerektiği oyuyla çoğunluk kararına katılmıyorum.



DANIŞTAY 10. DAİRE BAŞKANLIĞI 2021/4609 E. 2022/1364 K. 16.03.2022 Tarihli Karar:


İSTEMİN KONUSU: Suriye uyruklu olan davacı tarafından, babasının Türk vatandaşı olması nedeniyle babasına bağlı olarak Türk vatandaşlığını kazanmak için yaptığı başvurunun reddine ilişkin İçişleri Bakanlığı Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğünün . tarih ve . sayılı işleminin iptali istemiyle açılan dava sonucunda, ... İdare Mahkemesince Dairemizin bozma kararına uyularak davanın reddi yolunda verilen . tarih ve E:., K:. sayılı kararın temyizen incelenerek bozulması istenilmektedir.

TEMYİZ EDENİN İDDİALARI: Davacı tarafından, babasının Türk vatandaşı olması nedeniyle Türk vatandaşlığına geçmek için yaptığı başvurunun kabul edilmesi gerektiği belirtilerek dava konusu işlemde hukuka uyarlık bulunmadığı, bu nedenle temyize konu kararın bozulması gerektiği ileri sürülmektedir.


KARŞI TARAFIN SAVUNMASI: Davalı idare tarafından, davacının temyiz talebinde ileri sürdüğü hususların hukuken geçerlilik arz etmediği belirtilerek temyiz isteminin reddi gerektiği savunulmaktadır.

İdare ve vergi mahkemelerinin nihai kararlarının temyizen bozulması, 2577 sayılı İdari Yargılama Usulü Kanunu'nun 49. maddesinde yer alan sebeplerden birinin varlığı hâlinde mümkündür.
Temyizen incelenen karar usul ve hukuka uygun olup, dilekçede ileri sürülen temyiz nedenleri kararın bozulmasını gerektirecek nitelikte görülmemiştir.



Açıklanan nedenlerle;
1. Davalı idarenin temyiz isteminin reddine,
2. Yukarıda özetlenen gerekçeyle dava konusu işlemin iptali yolundaki .... İdare Mahkemesinin … tarih ve E: K:… sayılı temyize konu kararının ONANMASINA,
3. 2577 sayılı Kanun'un (Geçici 8. maddesi uyarınca uygulanmasına devam edilen) 54. maddesinin 1. fıkrası uyarınca bu kararın tebliğ tarihini izleyen günden itibaren 15 (on beş) gün içinde karar düzeltme yolu açık olmak üzere, 09/02/2021 tarihinde oy birliğiyle karar verildi.













Hemen Ara